Document Type : Research Paper


1 Mashad zone 7, education department

2 Associate Professor in Curriculhm Studies, Azad Islamic university, Torbat Heydarieh



The corona virus has affected educational communities, especially in terms of the widespread shift to online learning. This means quickly turning curricula and learning styles into a digital platform. Making changes to the curriculum without carefully examining and controlling all the factors influencing it can not lead to effective changes. According to the purpose, the present study has been carried out qualitatively and using the synthesis research method, based on Roberts’s model. In this study, the definitive field of study for synthesizing the challenges of changing teaching-learning styles has been about 13 relevant and available sources on specialized sites and foreign journals. For sampling, available print and electronic resources related to the purpose and subject of the research were used and continued to saturation. The data collection tool was fish recording and the materials related to the purpose of the research were recorded and prioritized by mentioning the specifications of the study source and in a logical order. The results show that we need a high level of preparedness to be able to quickly adapt to changes in the environment and to be able to adapt to different modes of presentation according to the conditions of the Covid 19 pandemic.
