Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba'i University


Henry Giroux considers teachers as transformative intellectuals and believes that teachers possess their own political and ethical roles and have obligatory attempt to materialize radical democracy within and without classroom. They should criticize the purposes, content, approaches and technologies of teaching. Also, they should criticize curriculum knowledge, and discover it’s underneath interests and ideologies. Giroux claims that teachers are one of the resistance resources against reproduction of the dominant system (hegemony) in education, and they can criticize their hegemony by means of breaking borders of dominant curriculum. Teachers should be possessed of enriched cultural studies, too, and study cultural differences and draw attention to them in classroom. They should make opportunities for all of the students so that they can communicate their own culture and history in classroom, and ultimately, by this way they can connect teaching up to their lives and culture. Teachers as common intellectuals, should be committed to establishing social justice and resistance against unequal relations of power, and they should endeavor accompanied by other agents and critics.
