Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Student of Sociology Gilan University

2 Member of the academic staff of Payam Noor Universityu

3 Ph.D student of Sociology , Kharazmi University



The main aim of this study was to identify different patterns of teachers' authority and qualitatively analyze its relationship with students' quantitative-qualitative academic performance.The research was conducted with a qualitative method and with a grounded theory approach, as well as with a purposive and theoretical sampling method and using a semi-structured interview technique with 32 secondary schoolboys, (7th and 8th grade).Data analysis was done with the "Strauss and Corbin" approach, using three stages of open, axial, and selective coding and 206 concepts, 45 categories and 14 main categories were identified.The findings and the paradigm model of the research show that the causal conditions for the emergence of teachers' authority patterns were: "teacher's teaching method", "teacher's communication and interaction method with students", "teacher's morality" and "class control method”. The context of the formation of the phenomenon was "the family context" and " dominant circumstances on school". "Group of friends","non-verbal behavior of the teacher" and "the general feeling of the students towards the teacher" were among the categories obtained that had an interfering effect on the phenomenon. Students had adopted two types of strategies "acceptance" and "resistance" in front of teachers' behavior and actions."Quantitative evaluation", "enthusiasm or lack of enthusiasm for lessons and classes" and "continuing learning" are among the consequent categories of the research.Finally, the core category of the research titled "teachers' authority patterns" was identified with three types of "authoritarian, formal and democratic patterns".Result: The model of democratic authority of teachers can bring good quantitative and qualitative performance for students.
