Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student of curriculum planning. Birjand University. Birjand. Iran

2 Associate Professor. Department of Educational Sciences. Birjand University Birjand.Iran



The stock exchange is an organized and formal capital market and is one of the trading markets that plays an important role in economic growth. Students can invest with ease with the help of scholarship training in various fields. In this research, after stating the objectives of designing the scholarship education curriculum, we explained the history and definition of the scholarship and analyzed the research texts and documents in the field of scholarship education. Synthesis research method has been used to present this model. The purpose of the synthesis method is to combine experimental research to create generalizations. Generalizations in which the limits of generalization are also specified. The organized findings in this study are based on the design of Tyler's four curriculum elements, including: purpose, content, method and evaluation. Finally, based on this, we achieved 7 general themes and 52 basic themes. General topics include: history, joint stock companies, financial markets, factors active in the capital market, trading operations, common terms in the stock market, factors affecting stock prices. The field of study is all printed and digital sources written around the discussion of reputable scientific journals and sites such as magiran, sid and noormags, eric, irandocn. For content validation, the opinion of supervisors and curriculum experts has been used.
