Document Type : Research Paper


1 Educational Science Department, Human Science Faculty, Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Educational science Department,, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Null curriculum is one of the conceptual achievements of the curriculum, which was introduced by Eisner in 1979 for the first time and has attracted the attention of some curriculum scholars in this form of curriculum and its dimensions and effects. The purpose of this study is to analyze the dimensions of the null curriculum based on the efforts made by experts to develop this concept. The present study was carried out using a synthesis method and the synthesis of the findings showed that the dimensions of the null curriculum that has been discussed so far are: how to identify the null curriculum, the causes that make the curriculum null, the types of null curriculum, the functions of null curriculum, the types of the null curriculum affects and the field in which you should follow the null curriculum. Based on the analysis and categorization of the data, there was no theoretical difference in any of the cases, and the existing differences arise from the deeper insight of some scholars into the dimensions of the null curriculum that was not considered by others. Due to the lack of resources and theoretical analysis in this field, this concept seems to require more and more appreciating attention from experts.
